H-0500 1/2" H Style Snap-In Rod Wiper Seal


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  • Model: H-0500
  • 161 in Stock
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H-RW | 90 AU 2097 | 12,7 X 20,37 X 6,4 MM | 0.500" X 0.802" X 0.203" Heal 0.254" Over all H  | H STYLE SNAP-IN ROD WIPER, DOUBLE LIP

Type H Wipers are manufactured from a urethane material developed with the best possible strength and toughness to resist abrasion. It has a high durometer, high tensile strength and is highly impact resistant to meet the demands of fluid power equipment. Type H wipers double lip can provide both sealing and wiping action in one component. One-piece snap-in type rod wipers designed for light duty applications, the U-cup portion serves as a secondary safeguard against leakage past the primary rod seal

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